This exercises is a fantastic for strengthening the core muscles as well as developing coordination and activating the quadriceps and abdominal in unison developing trunk stability. The exercises has a number of alternatives and can be adapted with the use of balls, bands, circles and ankle weights to not only provide variety but progress the exercise to suit all individuals however like many Pilates exercises it can be performed with no equipment in limited space. - - To perform the exercise lie in the rest position drawing the belly button towards the spine. Float one leg up to 90 degrees through the knee and hip and slowly tap your toe down. This can be performed in a single leg motion as shown in the bottom picture or a double table top position as shown above, ideally the leg remains at 90 throughout. The double table top position can be adjusted by adding a soft ball under the bottom to ease the pressure on the back and help maintain the neutral spine. Perform 10-15 reps per leg. - - #exerciseofthemonth #totalrecovery #scissors #clinicalpilates #oldbasing #sportsmassagebasingstoke #sportsmassage #pilates #pilatesbasingstoke #stretching #flexibility #mobility #keepmoving #stretchregularly #sportstherapy #corestrength #strongback #strength exercises #scissorl2 #exerciseprogressions
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